Monika then slowly, but surely, trudged out of the warm and cozy shelter she’d called her bed and prepared to shower. She’d explained this to her friends as “.having some kind of feeling, and the nature of this feeling determines if something good or bad’ll happen.” This morning was no different: something felt abnormal, in a good way, and she could tell that fortune was soon to follow. She could tell when good or bad things were going to happen, but secretly, it was like she knew what was going to happen. Yet, despite these characteristics, there was still one more thing that set her apart from everyone else. Monika could run a 100 meter sprint whilst listing basic integrals and still have a stunning facade. She’s obviously more on the popular side of the social spectrum: she‘s smart, beautiful, and athletic. Monika had never exactly been normal like the rest of her class at school. for some reason, today feels like it’s going to bring all good things.’ Having had a good 7 1/2 hours of sleep, she then proceeded to stretch her body, her pink polka-dotted pajamas revealed from the blanket having been slipped off. Groggily, she sat up and rubbed her emerald green eyes, then sequentially, checked the time to make sure it was correct.

Monika slowly awoke to an alarm on her phone, the alarm sounding much like a natural scene of birds and a slight breeze in a meadow. The sky was nearly spotless, with the rare passing of a rolling cloud, besides the sun, all there was to give the sky some life. In the distance, the faint sound of early-morning passing cars and trains on tracks, invoking the idea of a hustle-and-bustle life, could be heard alongside the chirping of birds and rustling of late-summer leaves. Light glinted off of the various trinkets and picture frames that decorated the room. The gentle, orange light of the morning sun peeked through the lavender curtains, a slight breeze from the open window getting the curtains to flow.

“Good morning mama! I slept all night this time! Aren’t you proud?”